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How to properly store your Christmas tree

Bah Humbug! Christmas is now over, which means it’s time for the festive decorations to be boxed up and stored away. It’s crucial to properly pack and store your artificial tree so that it remains in mint condition for when you need it next year.

From wrapping fragile décor in bubble wrap to vacuuming every loose particle still seen on your tree, here’s how to properly store your Christmas tree.

Carefully remove all ornaments

Don’t pack your tree away with the ornaments still attached! Remove each one carefully and wrap them in bubble wrap for extra protection before placing them into a protective container. Use cardboard to divide the ornaments inside the container or pack them loosely.

Clean the tree of all debris

Use a soft brush to remove any dirt or debris clinging to the branches. You can also use a vacuum hose attachment to get rid of small particles.

Spay your tree, then make sure it dries

Moisture can cause the tree to rot or grow mildew – even if you didn’t ask for extra green décor. Once you’ve sprayed the tree from head to toe, place it outside to dry.

Pro Tip: to speed up the drying process, stand the tree in a bucket of sand or sawdust – make sure you keep an eye on it and turn it for all sides to dry out evenly.

Wrap your tree in a protective layer

Wrap your tree in a sheet or tarp to protect it from insects, dust and other potential damages. Once it’s wrapped in a protective layer, slide it back into the box it came in. If you have more than one tree, stack them on top of each other.

Pro Tip: if you don’t have the original box your tree came in, you can always ask your local shopping market for one or purchase from our Packaging Shop in Chipping Norton.

Christmas trees are a holiday tradition for most families – but a pain to find space for once Christmas is over. Store your seasonal décor with us to save room for life at home. From Christmas trees to Halloween decorations, call us on 0800 2545585 to learn more about our Personal Storage options. 

Tips to deep clean your home before the new year

The new year is fast approaching, and there’s no better way to start 2023 than with a clean slate – literally! A deep clean of your home will help remove dirt and clutter that’s been building up over the past year (or years) while also ensuring you start the new year feeling refreshed and organised.

Here are a few tips to help get your home clean before 2023.

Start with the kitchen

The kitchen is one of the most used rooms in any house, so it’s important to ensure it’s clean and clutter-free. Declutter countertops and cupboards, donating or throwing away duplicates and items you no longer use. Then, wipe down cabinets, appliances and backsplashes before moving furniture around and mopping underneath them. 

Pro Tip: don’t forget to empty the fridge and pantry and throw away old food – leave items out until you clean the shelves.

Tackle the living room

Start by decluttering surfaces like coffee tables and bookshelves. Vacuum all furniture and the floors, dust light fixtures and ceiling fans, wash or dry clean any throw pillows or blankets and finally, clean the windows and doors for that extra shine.

Move on to the bathroom

Like the kitchen, the bathroom is another room that gets used a lot. Declutter countertops and surfaces and then wipe down mirrors, toilets, showers and tubs. Give the floors a good scrub, and don’t forget the windows. 

Pro Tip: empty the medicine cabinet and throw away old medicine. You may want to look around for empty shampoo bottles too.

The bedrooms

Make the beds with clean and fresh sheets and declutter all surfaces like nightstands and dressers. Donate old clothes you no longer wear but are still in good use. Vacuum furniture and floors, dust ceiling fans, and wash or dry clean any throw pillows or blankets you may have out for decoration – including stuffed animals!

A deep clean is a great way to start 2023! But if you’re worried about space as you declutter your home and you’re not yet ready to get rid of the items you’ve boxed up, give Wigwam a call on 0800 2545585. We have units ranging from 10 sq. ft to 300 sq. ft – more than enough room for all your belongings. Visit our Personal Storage options to learn more.

How to waste less this festive season

The festive season is a time for family, food, and fun – but it’s also a time when wastage is at its pinnacle! From wrapping paper and packaging to the mountains of food cooked that goes uneaten,here are a few tips on how to waste less this festive season.

Reuse what you can

One person’s trash is another one’s treasure! So, before you go out and buy new decorations for your home this festive season, look around and see what you can creatively reuse. 

Pro Tip: maybe a vase could be repurposed as a candle holder, or old curtains could be turned into tablecloths – think outside the box.

Shop online

Not only will this help you avoid overspending, but it will also keep plastic minimal. When you’re in a store, it’s easy to get caught up in the moment and buy things you don’t need – hence the six shopping bags. However, shopping online can help you stay focused on your list. Plus, most online businesses boast eco-friendly packaging now!

Recycle what you can’t reuse

Recycle items that can’t be reused, like gift wrapping, ribbons, cards and packaging, instead of throwing them away. Designate a recycling bin at home for the whole family to use.

Pro Tip: explain to kids exactly how it works – so they don’t throw yesterday’s spaghetti in with all the gift wrap.

Live a minimalistic lifestyle

A minimalistic lifestyle helps you be more conscious of the waste you produce. For example, if you make fewer purchases, fewer boxes and packaging materials will end up dumped, which means less pollution for our planet.

Compost what you can’t recycle

Composting is easy and a great way to reduce your carbon footprint. There are tons of videos online to show you exactly how it works. From food scraps to tear-soaked tissues, there is plenty around you that can become the perfect compost.

Pro Tip: treat your plants now – they’ll love you by spring.

Our Chipping Norton storage facility boasts top-quality packaging materials and a safe place to store while you renovate this holiday. Whether you’re working on your office or forever home, call Wigwam on 0800 2545585 or pop by our Chipping Norton facility for a tour. 

How to bring the festive spirit to the office

The Christmas holidays are a great time to focus on spreading festive cheer in the office! However, getting everyone into the holiday spirit during working hours can be tough. From Michael Bublé’s hits playing throughout the office to tinsel dangling from the windows, if you’re looking for tips on bringing the festive spirit to your office, keep reading.


One of the best ways to get everyone in the holiday spirit is to decorate your office space. Consider putting up a tree and stringing-up fairy lights. Don’t go overboard – a few well-placed holiday decorations can do wonders in getting everyone in a festive mood.   

Pro Tip: don’t forget to decorate door frames.

Play holiday music throughout the office

Music is a great way to set the tone for any environment – and holiday music is no exception! Softly playing some holiday classics in the background can help everyone feel more festive (and maybe even get them singing along). 

Pro Tip: keep the volume level reasonable – so it doesn’t become a distraction.

Encourage employees to dress up

Dressing up for the holidays can be fun while doubling up and spreading cheer throughout the office. Encourage employees to wear red on a specific day or any festive attire throughout the week. Whatever you do, ensure they feel comfortable – and their outfits don’t interfere with productivity.

Plan holiday-themed events

A great way to get everyone into the holiday spirit is to plan some festive events. Anything from an ugly sweater contest to a potluck lunch featuring dishes from different cultures. As long as people enjoy themselves, they should get into the holiday spirit!

Organise a Secret Santa

Secret Santa is a great way to get everyone in the office involved in spreading holiday cheer. Make sure everyone signs up for the gift exchange and then set a budget. Employees will have fun picking out gifts and look forward to receiving one themselves – it’s a win-win!

If you need to make space at the office for events and decorations, Wigwam has room for you – and we’ve just opened a storage facility in Bromsgrove! Our storage unit sizes range from 10 sq. ft to 300 sq. ft and are monitored 24 hours a day by our top-notch CCTV systems. Call us on 0800 2545585 to learn more about our Business Storage options.

Five unique gift ideas suited for anyone

Saying thank you is a custom often overlooked. We are so busy with our lives and work we sometimes forget to tell the people around us how much we appreciate them. This holiday season, show your appreciation for the people in your life with a unique gift!

From the world’s tiniest vacuum to the ultimate microwave popcorn bowl, keep reading for five gift ideas anyone would love to receive.

An instant bag hanger

If you’re looking for gifts for friends or family, consider an instant bag hanger – especially if they go out a lot. Whether they’re at a café, bar or in a bathroom stall, they’ll appreciate having a small keychain bag hook on hand.

A popcorn microwave bowl

Most people get frustrated waiting by the stove for kernels to pop, so you can’t go wrong with this gift. All one has to do is throw kernels into the bowl and place it in the microwave with the vented lid. A couple of minutes later, they’ll have perfectly popped popcorn!

A pocket vacuum

Whether it’s for family members who work from home or a friend who’s a stay-at-home mom, most people would geek out over tiny USB-rechargeable vacuum cleaners. From sucking up crumbs to removing pet hair from desks – consider a pocket vacuum if you’re looking for a practical gift.

A Bindle Bottle

For fitness fanatic recipients, consider this unique water bottle. It’s insulated to keep water cold and has a stash compartment in the bottom to store credit cards, car keys or other tiny necessities.

A purse organizer

This is the perfect gift for moms, especially those with a Mary Poppins handbag! Most come in different sizes with plenty of pockets, slots and a zippered pouch.

Your recipient will never lose another pen while standing in the queue at the bank.Running out of hiding places for gifts at home? Wigwam has space. Whether you’re looking to store gifts until just before Christmas or to store clutter long-term to make room for the new year, call us on 0800 2545585 or visit our Personal Storage options to learn more.