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Do you consider yourself a book lover? World Book Day is celebrated around the world on 23 April. The day was initiated in 1995 by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) with the goal of promoting reading and publishing.

On this day, people are encouraged to celebrate books and the joy of reading by participating in various activities, such as reading aloud at school or work, dressing up as a character from a book, or visiting a library. We would like to take it one step further and encourage you to create a home library!

Consider the following easy steps to create a comfortable and inspiring space in the home.

Design the space

The first step is to pick a cosy spot in the home and design the layout. Consider whether you prefer sitting in a chair, on floor cushions or nestled on the sofa. Choose a layout that inspires you to read for hours on end, whether it be in the corner of a busy room or in a secluded home office.

Consider your budget

Make a list of must-have features that you want in your home library and determine how much the features will cost. For example, allocate a budget for cushions, shelving, building your collection and adding the right lighting.

Create your space

Once you’ve determined the perfect spot for your home library and bought all of your features, then you can start putting it together. Make sure that you have fun as you lay down the rug, place the cushions, install the shelves and add the lighting.

Build your collection

The first step to building your collection is putting the books that you already own on the shelves. If you want to add more books, then you can start browsing the local store, searching for your favourite titles online, and even visiting thrift stores.

Maintain your library

Once your home library is set up, it’s important to keep it well-maintained. This means keeping the shelves clean and tidy, removing any dust or dirt, and organising the books by genre or author. It’s also a good idea to add a few personal touches, such as family photos and ornaments to make the space feel like home.

While building your home library, you’ll need to clear items to make space for your books. At Wigwam, we offer a safe and secure storage unit in Chipping Norton to keep household clutter and seasonal items so that you can build your dream home library.

Give us a call at 01608 656 300 to find out more about our flexible lease agreements.

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