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The New Year is a time to reflect on the past and plan for the future. For many of us, that means setting healthy goals and working towards them! One goal that we recommend is to work towards incorporating work-life balance into your workplace. It’s important to take care of yourself so you can be productive and happy both at home and at work.

Here are some tips on how you can start introducing this balance in the workplace for the New Year.

Take time off to recharge

It’s important to take time off for yourself when you’re feeling overwhelmed, stressed out or burnt out. Take a short break from work and head home early, go on leave or check into an escape room. It will help rejuvenate your mind and body! 

Don’t overwork yourself

To have a healthy work-life balance, it is important to know when you are overworking yourself. Work-related stress can lead to health issues and poor mental well being if not managed properly. Remember that it’s okay to take time off from your phone or computer.

Make time for family

Work-life balance is not just about managing stress levels at work, it’s also about balancing the demands from home. Make time for your family and friends, even if it’s just a quick coffee or phone call. You’ll not only be able to recharge but also stay connected with the people you love!

Create a work schedule that maximises your productivity

It’s important to find a work schedule that maximises your productivity. If you have trouble managing time or are unsure of where to start, try creating a planner for yourself. Doing so will help keep track of the tasks at hand and set reminders so nothing is missed. Setting goals can also be helpful as it keeps you accountable for the things that you need to accomplish.

Learn to say no

Saying no to extra tasks at work can be hard, especially if you’re worried about letting someone down. However, it’s important to remember that your mental well-being and physical health is a top priority. Whether it’s taking on more responsibilities or working for an additional hour after the clock strikes, learn how to say no so you can make time for yourself and offer your best work for the tasks on your plate.

Declutter your workspace

Your workspace can be a source of stress if it’s disorganised or cluttered. That’s why decluttering your workspace and setting up systems to help you manage the tasks on hand will help improve productivity. Setting reminders, creating lists and organising documents by date are just some ways that this system works!

Our business storage units are the perfect solution to hold excess office equipment, clutter and filing that adds to a stressful work environment. Kick 2022 off on a positive note and secure your business storage unit today. Contact us at 01608 656 300 to chat with our friendly team, get a quote online or pop into our facility on Hook Norton Road.

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