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Declutter Your Mind and Boost Your Productivity: The Science Behind Organising Your Space

If you’re tired of feeling overwhelmed and unproductive due to clutter and disorganisation, you’re not alone. Research shows that a messy environment can have a negative impact on our mental health, stress levels and productivity. 

The good news is, by understanding the psychology behind organisation, you can learn how to create an environment that fosters productivity and happiness.

In this article, we delve into the science behind organisation and offer you practical tips to create an organised space that promotes productivity and happiness. From reducing clutter to bringing in natural elements, we cover it all. 

How Clutter Affects Your Brain and Well-being

Have you ever felt anxious or overwhelmed by the sight of a messy room or cluttered desk? There’s a reason for that. 

  • One study conducted by the University of California, Los Angeles, found that women who described their homes as cluttered had higher levels of cortisol, a stress hormone, than women who described their homes as tidy. 
  • Another study conducted by the Princeton University Neuroscience Institute found that clutter can make it more difficult for your brain to focus and process information.

So, why does clutter have such a negative impact on our mental state? 

The answer lies in our brain’s ability to process information. When we are surrounded by clutter, our brains are forced to process more information, which can lead to cognitive overload and decreased productivity.

The Benefits of an Organised Workspace

Now that we understand the negative impact clutter can have on our mental state and well-being, let’s explore the benefits of an organised workspace.

  • Improved Productivity – An organised workspace can improve your productivity by reducing distractions and making it easier to find the tools and resources you need to complete tasks. When everything has a designated place, you can spend less time searching for things and more time getting things done.
  • Reduced Stress – An organised workspace can also reduce stress by creating a sense of order and control. When everything is in its place, you can feel more in control of your environment and less overwhelmed by the demands of your work.
  • Increased Creativity – An organised workspace can also increase creativity by providing a clear space for your mind to work. When your environment is clutter-free, your brain can focus on the task at hand, allowing for more creative thinking.

Tips for Decluttering and Organising Your Home or Office

Let’s explore some practical tips for decluttering and organising your home or office.

  • Start Small – If the thought of decluttering is overwhelming, start small. Begin by tackling one room or area at a time, and work in short increments to avoid burnout.
  • Get Rid of What You Don’t Need – The first step in decluttering is to get rid of anything that you no longer need or use. Be honest with yourself and consider donating or selling items that are in good condition but no longer serve a purpose in your life.
  • Create a System – Once you have decluttered your space, it’s important to create a system for organising your remaining items. Consider using storage solutions such as shelves, bins and file folders to create designated spaces for your belongings.
  • Stay Consistent – The key to maintaining an organised environment is to stay consistent. Make it a habit to put things back in their designated space after use, and regularly declutter and reorganise your space to prevent clutter from accumulating.

The Connection Between Organisation and Productivity

Studies have shown that an organised workspace can significantly improve productivity by reducing distractions and increasing focus. When everything has a designated place, it’s easier to find what you need quickly and get started on your work. A clutter-free environment can reduce stress and increase creativity, both of which are important for productivity.

  • One study conducted by the National Association of Professional Organisers found that 82% of people feel more productive in an organised workspace. 
  • A study by the Harvard Business Review found that employees who work in an organised environment are able to work for longer periods without feeling fatigued.

When you’re organised, you can prioritise your tasks and manage your time more efficiently.

Creating an Environment that Fosters Productivity and Happiness

Let’s explore some additional tips for creating a space that fosters productivity and happiness.

  • Bring in natural elements – Studies have shown that exposure to natural light can improve mood, while plants can reduce stress and increase productivity.
  • Personalise your space – Adding personal touches, such as photos or artwork, can make your environment feel inviting and increase your sense of ownership. 
  • Prioritise comfort – Invest in a comfortable chair, consider standing desks, and incorporate ergonomic tools into your workspace to reduce strain and promote posture.
  • Minimise distractions – Consider noise-cancelling headphones, closing your door or using a white noise machine to block out distractions.


Creating an organised environment that fosters productivity and happiness is an important step in achieving success in both your personal and professional life. 

By understanding the psychology behind organisation you can improve your mental state, reduce stress and increase productivity.

At Wigwam Self Storage, we understand the importance of creating an organised environment, and we offer a variety of storage solutions to help you achieve exactly that. 

Pro Tip: Whether you’re decluttering your home or office, or need storage while moving, our space calculator can help you determine the amount of space you need!

Tackle Toy Clutter: Must-Try Living Room Storage Ideas

If you have kids, you know how quickly their toys can take over your living room. The endless stream of dolls, stuffed animals, action figures, and building blocks can create a never-ending cycle of clutter that seems impossible to control. 

However, with a little creativity and planning, you can create a clutter-free living space that is both functional and stylish. 

Let’s explore some must-try living room toy storage ideas to help you achieve just that.

Use Storage Ottomans

Storage ottomans are an ideal choice when it comes to keeping your children’s toys organised and out of sight. These versatile pieces of furniture are not only comfortable to sit on, but they also offer ample storage space to keep your living room neat and tidy. 

With a range of sizes, styles and colors to choose from, storage ottomans can fit seamlessly into any decor scheme. Some ottomans even come with removable trays, making them perfect for serving drinks and snacks when you’re entertaining guests. 

So, if you’re looking for a stylish and functional way to declutter your living space, a storage ottoman might just be the solution you need.

Create a Toy Nook

Consider creating a designated toy nook. Not only will this keep the space organised, but it will also provide a fun and cosy area for your children to play and read. 

Using a bookshelf or cubby system is an excellent way to store toys, while a comfy cushion or rug can make the nook inviting. 

Having all the toys in one area makes cleaning up a breeze, allowing you to maintain a clutter-free living room that’s both functional and stylish.

Install Wall Shelving

Wall shelving is an excellent solution for bulky toys that don’t fit in an ottoman or toy nook. 

Use floating shelves to provide a stylish and functional display option for your children’s favorite toys, books, and board games. The key is to ensure that the shelves are at a height that your children can easily access so they can take out and put away their toys independently. 

Consider using colorful bins or baskets to further organise and add a pop of color to the shelves. 

Use Baskets and Bins

When it comes to versatile storage options, baskets and bins are excellent choices for keeping your living room tidy. They come in a range of sizes, shapes and colors, making them an easy way to add a pop of color and texture to your decor. 

Baskets and bins can be used to store anything from small toys to larger items like blankets. They’re also lightweight and easy to move around, so you can quickly tidy up any messes. 

Repurpose Furniture

Repurposing an old piece of furniture is an excellent way to create a unique and cost-effective toy storage solution for your living room. 

Instead of getting rid of an old dresser or bookshelf, consider using it to store your children’s belongings. An old dresser can be repurposed to store clothes and toys, while an old bookshelf can hold books and board games. 

This not only helps you save money but also gives your living room a personal touch that reflects your unique style. 

Use Vertical Space

Hanging toy hammocks or nets from the ceiling is an excellent way to store stuffed animals, while over-the-door shoe organisers can be used to keep small toys and accessories organised. 

By using your vertical space, you’ll free up floor space and create more room for your children to play. These vertical storage solutions are easy to install, affordable, and can add an interesting element to your living room decor. 

Create a Toy Rotation System

To minimise clutter and keep things fresh, consider implementing a toy rotation system. 

Rotate toys in and out every week or month, giving your children something new to play with while keeping the rest of the toys stored away. 

This method not only helps prevent clutter but also helps children appreciate their toys more and become more imaginative with the toys they have. It also encourages children to take good care of their toys since they know they’ll get a chance to play with them again in the future.

Consider Self Storage

If you’re still struggling to find space for your children’s toys in your living room despite trying all of the above ideas, it may be time to consider self storage. 

Self storage units, like the ones provided by Wigwam, can be a great solution for storing your children’s toys that they don’t currently use or for seasonal items like holiday decorations. 

It’s a safe and secure way to keep your home clutter-free without sacrificing the things you love.

A clutter-free living room is possible even with children’s toys. By using storage ottomans, creating a toy nook or considering self storage, you’ll be able to create a functional and stylish living space that both you and your children will love.

And if you do decide that self storage is the best option for you, Wigwam is here to help. With various unit sizes and 24/7 security, you can rest assured that your belongings will be safe and secure with us. Don’t let clutter get you down, organise and store your children’s toys today.

Not sure how much space you’ll need, use our handy space calculator!